Press release

Lantania will build the evacuation infrastructures for the solar farms at the Tordesillas hub

  • The company secures contracts worth 60 million euros to construct two underground lines, 132 kV and 400 kV, and a 132/400 kV substation

Madrid, 12 December 2024. Lantania has been awarded the construction of the electrical evacuation infrastructures for the solar farms that discharge their energy at the Tordesillas hub (Valladolid) for a total of nearly 60 million euros, divided into two different contracts. In the first of these, the Infrastructure, Water and Energy Group will build a 132 kV underground line spanning 9,800 metres, with a total budget of 33.3 million euros. In the second, it will build a 132/400 kV electrical substation (ES), a metering station and a 400 kV underground line divided into two sections for a total amount of 24.5 million euros. Work began last November and both facilities are expected to be completed by December 2025.

The 132 kV line covered by the first contract will be used for the joint evacuation of eight solar farms from different renewable energy developers, with a generation capacity of 545.3 MWn. The line will feature a double-circuit configuration with double-bundled conductors and utilise a range of cable sections, from aluminium 1600 mm2 to copper 2500 mm2, and will run through the municipalities of Velilla, Bercero and Tordesillas, all in the province of Valladolid.

The second contract comprises the construction of a 132/400 kV substation, a metering station and two sections of 400 kV underground line. The first, which runs from the substation to the metering station, has a length of 2,100 metres, in a double-circuit configuration with 2000 mm2 copper cable. The second section, which runs from the metering station to the Tordesillas substation, owned by Red Eléctrica de España (REE) where the generated energy is discharged, is about 260 metres in single-circuit configuration with copper cable Cu 2500 mm2. The planned substation, located in the municipality of Tordesillas, has a transformer position and a line equipped with a set of four single-phase transformers, including one as a reserve.

Lantania, a leader in power transmission and distribution

These new projects reinforce Lantania’s leadership as an EPC in the power transmission and distribution sector in Spain. The company is currently constructing significant high-voltage lines and substations, with noteworthy developments in Becerril and Husillos. The scope of the former includes both the detailed engineering as well as the supply, assembly and commissioning of the 132 kV evacuation infrastructures for the solar and wind farms of the Becerril generation system. In Husillos, Lantania is carrying out the detailed engineering as well as the supply, assembly and start-up of the 132 and 400 kV shared evacuation infrastructures of the Becerril, Higuera and Centaurus generation systems.

Lantania has also completed several other notable works in the sector, including the 220/30 kV Irina substation with metering station and 220 kV underground line, built in Medina del Campo (Valladolid), the 132/6.6 kV substation and the 132 kV overhead line for the evacuation of power generated in the turbines of the new Almudévar reservoir, in Huesca, the 400 kV line for electrification of the Totana substation for Adif and the 132 kV line for evacuation of the Covatillas solar farms, in Minglanilla (Cuenca).