Business Lines | Water

Lantania has extensive experience in projects related to the integral water cycle such as desalination plants, urban and industrial water and wastewater treatment, and all types of hydraulic infrastructure.

We carry out all the works associated with the integral water cycle, from water intake, drinking water treatment, distribution and wastewater treatment, to the return of treated water to natural watercourses, with expertise in design, construction and operation. We have a team of experts in the design and implementation of both traditional biological solutions and specific processes more geared towards industry. Lantania covers the entire water cycle supplying turnkey EPC facilities and even in B.O.T. (Build, Operate and Transfer) mode, from the pilot plant study, process simulations, analytical campaigns, basic and detailed engineering, manufacturing and procurement of mechanical and electrical equipment to assemblies, start-up, operation and maintenance.


Lantania works in the design, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance of desalination plants worldwide.

Lantania has extensive experience in desalination plants, providing efficient solutions based on innovative, sustainable technologies that respect the natural environment where they are located, solving the problems of water scarcity in areas with a water deficit.

Our knowledge of the desalination market and business, along with our international positioning, allows us to take on large, optimised, competitive projects adapted to the needs of our customers.

Lantania has a multidisciplinary team with an average of more than 15 years’ experience that integrates the latest technological advances in its plants, such as low consumption reverse osmosis membranes, state-of-the-art energy recovery systems or pressure rings.

Specialists in all areas of the desalination process

At Lantania, we provide the best technical solution for water intake, based on a detailed analysis of the conditions of the area, programming, if necessary, the marine work within the tidal windows suitable for execution throughout the year.

Our engineers specialised in the physicochemical stage define the pretreatment line according to the quality of the feed water and the requirements of the reverse osmosis equipment, thus increasing the plant’s useful life and reducing its operation and maintenance costs.

Lantania’s process team has proven experience in the design of the reverse osmosis system, a key element of the plant that defines its performance and energy consumption, offering the most efficient and competitive alternative.

Once the osmosis water is obtained, we apply the most appropriate treatments, adapted to the quality requirements of each project and the needs of each customer.

Lantania continuously monitors new technologies applicable to desalination processes, researching and developing improvements such as the recovery of brine currently discharged into the sea, or hybridisation with renewable energy plants, among others, in order to improve the sustainability of the plants.

  • +645,000 m3/day

    desalinated water

  • +1.8

    million inhabitants


    Jubail 3A Desalination Plant (Saudi Arabia)

    One of the largest reverse osmosis seawater desalination plants in the world

    See project

    Moncofa desalination plant (Castellon)

    See project

Urban water

Experience in the processes and construction of wastewater and water treatment plants.

The capabilities in the design of urban water treatment processes and the knowledge of the different technologies make Lantania a leading company in the national and international market, both in wastewater and water treatment plants. Internationally, it has carried out major projects in North Africa and the Balkans.

We develop solutions that integrate the pretreatment stage, the biological stage and secondary settling and, where appropriate, tertiary treatment, which allows the water to be reused for other purposes. By using systems such as the MBR (Membrane Bioreactor or Membrane Biological Reactor), we can increase the treatment flow without increasing the space required by the plant, obtaining at the same time high quality treated water.

In addition, we have a powerful laboratory that gives us enormous added value, given its capacity for process analysis and simulation, not only to find the most suitable solution to our customers’ problems, but also in our after-sales activity of Technical Assistance Services (TAS) and in our comprehensive operation and maintenance contracts.

  • +500,000 m3/day

    drinking water

  • 700,000 m3/day

    treated urban water

  • 6

    million inhabitants


    Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), interceptor sewer, pumping stations and sewer outfalls of Nerja (Málaga)

    Capacity to treat 25,000 m3/d

    See project

    Enlargement of the wastewater treatment plant at Almansa (Albacete)

    Capacity to treat 6,900 m3/d

    See project

    Trespaderne WWTP (Burgos)

    Capacity to treat 816 m3/d

    See project

    Puigpelat WWTP (Tarragona)

    Capacity to treat 300 m3/d

    See project

    Salé WWTP (Morocco)

    Capacity to treat 10,000 m3/d

    See project

Industrial water

Specialists in industrial water and wastewater treatment, with more than 900 plants distributed in 30 countries.

We have more than 30 years’ worth of activity behind us in the industrial market, serving a wide range of sectors such as mining, energy (combined cycle, solar thermal, biomass, biofuel plants), waste, glass, paper and cardboard, plastic, automotive, steel, agri-food, textile, chemical, petrochemical and aeronautical industries, among others.

We are one of the main players in industrial water because we have the capacity to integrate the best available technologies (high-rate anaerobic treatments, Bayer biocolumns, DAF, OHP and SBR, ultra and nanofiltration, reverse osmosis or evaporation) as well as a technical office specialised in process design. In this way, we can meet all the needs of an industrial facility, tailoring solutions to each customer, from process water to the reuse of all wastewater generated, reaching “zero discharge” ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge).

Lantania is a leader in the treatment of mining and landfill leachate water by reverse osmosis. An example of this is the awarding of contracts for the whole treatment of the largest copper mine in Europe and two of the largest landfills in the world.

In the agri-food sector, we have extensive experience and have completed projects in industries such as tinned fish and seafood, tinned vegetables, dairy products, carbonated beverages, pastries, meat processing and slaughterhouses, among others, being the leader in Spain. Internationally, we have carried out projects in Portugal, North Africa, Iceland, Colombia and sub-Saharan Africa.

In the energy sector, we have carried out combined cycle projects in Mexico, Germany, Algeria and Venezuela.

  • +900

    industrial water treatment plants

  • +1,000,000 m3/day

    treated industrial water


    Water treatment plants of the Las Cruces Copper Mining Complex. Construction, upgrading and operation (Seville)

    See project

    Zero Liquid Discharge WWTP EPC for the mining complex of Atlantic Copper (Huelva)

    First zero discharge industrial treatment plant in Spain

    See project

    Industrial wastewater treatment plant for Coca Cola (Seville)

    Capacity to treat 2,880 m3/d

    See project

Hydraulic infrastructures

We build hydraulic infrastructure such as reservoirs, pumping stations, etc.

We carry out groundwater collection projects, pumping and water elevation stations, as well as irrigation networks, reservoirs and regulating tanks, dams, mini-hydroelectric plants, water supply networks, sewage and outfalls.

  • +1,000 km


  • +8,000 m

    dam crests

  • ~280 Hm3

    volume of water storage in reservoir

  • +7,000 m

    underwater outfall


      Almudevar dam (Huesca)

      Capacity to storage 170 Hm3 de agua

      See project

      Piping renovation works for the Canal de Isabel II supply network Plot 8 (Madrid)

      See project

      Red Sea water infrastructure project (Saudi Arabia)

      Sustainable city of luxury tourism in Saudi Arabia

      See project